Have you received notice that your Change Sales Tax Rate QuickBooks is changing, and you’re utilizing QuickBooks custom tax rates? Here’s how to bring them up to date:

Some Common QuickBooks Issues Related to Sale Tax Rates

  • Edit Sale Tax Rates in QuickBooks Desktop
  • Adjust Sale Tax in QuickBooks 2017
  • Adding a New Sales Tax Rate in QuickBooks Enterprise

QuickBooks software has become an essential part of many businesses ranging from small sized businesses to medium sized. On one hand the software has made the tackling of financial side of the business hassle free by automating all the process and lessening the scope of errors, on the other it has become a little complex for users to operate with so many new features. The option of learning QuickBooks is no longer a choice as the user generally depends hugely on the software for all sorts of different tasks and activities related to business’ cash and account.

Tip#1: Get your QuickBooks Tax Forms Here

Irrespective of the method user employs to learn QuickBooks, through tutorials, book or trial & error method, there are certain issues which the user is bound to face. One such problem comes with Sales Tax rate which might needs to be changed. These rates are set and are bound to be changed as per the state. Not only stateside rates are followed, many countries and cities also end up creating their own personal rates because of which user does end up needing to change the sales tax rate.

One of the most opted methods to make this change in the software is by setting the current and future sales items with the changed sales tax rates. The challenge here will be for those who have sales items spread over different cities and countries as the items will have different rates. However the benefit is that users don’t need to work on editing already completed sales tax items and then further working on the percentage rate against these items.

Tip#2: Managing Payroll Taxes in QuickBooks Easily

The sales tax items can be easily found right at the bottom of the item list for which user first has to locate ‘Lists’ tab in the menu bar and then click on the option called ‘Item Lists’. The next step to set the Sales Tax Items as per new rates is quite a simple process. All the user has to do is in the current screen labeled Item List is right click mouse anywhere on the screen which will offer a pop-up box from where click on option ‘New’. For more elaborate instructions, view steps written below. However, remember that only the item rates can be changed. To completely change the combined rate its components rates need to be changed. Steps To Change Sales Tax Rate in QuickBooks Online:

  • Select the tab called ‘Sales Tax’ from the menu bar located on the left side of the screen.
  • Next choose the option stating ‘Add / Edit Tax Rates and Agencies’ under the menu of ‘Related Tasks’ located on the right side of the screen.
  • A table called ‘Sales Tax Rates and Agencies’ will be showcased under which different rates are shown. Appropriate rate needs to be selected followed by Edit tab.
  • Under the new screen of ‘Edit Sales Tax Component’ change the rates appropriately. Furthermore, name of the components can also be edited if so desired.
  • Now click on save. The end result will be showcased in the ‘Sales Tax Rates and Agencies’ table where the changed rates will be highlighted.

Steps To Change Sales Tax Rate in QuickBooks Online App

To change the sales tax rate in QuickBooks Online App, you must make transactions using QBO App.

Change Sales Tax Rate in iPhone/iPad App:

  • Go to Menu and then Settings.
  • Open the Tax Rate and find the sales tax item you want to edit.
  • Click on the Edit option and then make the required changes.
  • Save the changes you made.

NOTE: Tax rates and component names can only be edited. However, tax agencies cannot be changed.

Change Sales Tax Rate in QuickBooks Online Android App:

You can edit the sales tax rate on estimates, invoices, and sales receipts using this method.

  • You can edit a transaction by opening QuickBooks Online app.
  • After that, click on the Edit icon and select a tax entry you want to edit.
  • You can edit the tax rate as well as the tax amount of the transaction here.

NOTE: Using the QB online web, you must first grant access to QBO App in order to enable this feature.

Steps To Change Custom Sales Tax Rates in QuickBooks Online

Here’s how to update the custom sales tax rate in QuickBooks Online.

  • Choose Taxes from the left menu.
  • Click on Edit GST and after that select Edit rates from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose On or Off with the tax rate which you require to get active or inactive.
  • Select Yes to confirm your changes.

Read More: How to Set Up Sales Tax in QuickBooks Online?

Steps To Change Sales Tax Rate in QuickBooks Desktop

As soon as the financial institution introduces a new tax rate, QuickBooks Desktop allows you to edit the sales tax rate for all your customers at once. While you can change the tax rate in every transaction for your customer, sometimes you may forget to do so. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to change the sales tax rate in QuickBooks Desktop once and for all.

  • Select Lists from the top menu bar.
  • Then select Sales Item in the drop-down menu and right-click on the option.
  • A new window will open. Enter the new tax rate in the Tax Rate (%) field.
  • Also, you can edit the Sales Tax Name and add a description. Then click OK.

Alternatively, you can deactivate the existing tax rate in QuickBooks and set up the new tax rate for all new transactions in QuickBooks if you still cannot figure out how to change the sales tax rate.

QuickBooks Sales Tax Rate Editing Effects

  • Even if you use the date before you change the sales tax rate, the new transactions will use the new rate.
  • Tax rate changes won’t affect previous transactions.
  • Sales tax rates can be changed in earlier transactions.
  • For the recurring invoice template, the new transactions will use the new tax rates while earlier transactions won’t be affected.
  • You can simply edit the outstanding transactions that you entered before changing the tax rate.

The above listed steps ensure that the user can easily edit the old Sales tax rates to new one without any loss of time or hindrance. Incase user still has issues; it is advisable to approach the ever professional knowledgeable QuickBooks expert team set up by Intuit. Moreover, if there is any issue in connecting with the team of QuickBooks for the same user can connect with us live chat option on our website – fastfix247.com.

Note: You can change the name of the Sales Tax Agency on the Taxes page. The agency name that appears on your sales forms, on the other hand, will remain the old name or the original name that you entered. You’ll need to create a new tax agency if you want a different name on your sales documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I clean up sales tax in QuickBooks?

    From the Lists menu, choose Chart of Accounts. Double-click select Sales Tax Payable account to open its register. Find the sales tax payment that was just entered, select the payment. From the Edit menu, select Delete Sales Tax Payment, then choose OK.

  2. Does QuickBooks Online automatically update sales tax rates?

    With automated sales tax, QuickBooks automatically calculates sales tax based on what you sell, where you sell, and where you ship. If your state changes something, like the sales tax rate, QuickBooks automatically updates your tax rates for you.

  3. What is the Effective Date in Sales Tax Rate?

    All transactions after the effective date will be subject to the new tax rate.

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