The benefit E-File Federal Tax Forms QuickBooks Desktop of employing QuickBooks desktop is that it keeps the user well informed about every imperative dates for submission of forms and tax forms. To do this an email is sent along with a notification over on the interface as well.

To file for QuickBooks tax forms (when the user has signed up with the software’s electronic service):

  1. Make the tax payment, in case there is corresponding tax form for the current tax payment.
  2. Under the navigation bar locate and select Taxes option and then Payroll Tax.
  3. Select the appropriate category along with tax form that is required to be filed.
  4. On the new screen dedicated for the tax form, select View tab. In case questions are prompted provide appropriate answers.
  5. Inspect the details provided on the tax form. In order to print a copy for business purpose, right-click mouse anywhere in the tax form screen and select Print option (and in case of Mac, press on Command-P).
  6. Now close the Tax Form screen.
  7. Return back to the page of the tax form and ensure File Electronically option is selected and checkmarked and then click on Submit.
  8. The software automatically keeps a copy of the form and archives it.

To file for tax forms (when the user has not signed up with the software’s electronic service):

  1. Make the tax payment, in case there is corresponding tax form for the current tax payment.
  2. Under the navigation bar locate and select Taxes option and then Payroll Tax.
  3. Select the appropriate category along with tax form that is required to be filed.
  4. On the new screen dedicated for the tax form, select View tab. In case questions are prompted provide appropriate answers.
  5. Inspect the details provided on the tax form.
  6. In order to print a copy for business purpose, right-click mouse anywhere in the tax form screen and select Print option (and in case of Mac, press on Command-P).
  7. Sign it and send the tax form. User can locate the address to send the tax form on the instructions page, which is usually the last page when printing the tax form.
  8. Now close the Tax Form screen.
  9. Return back to the page of the tax form and select Archive button to save a copy of the form.

E-file 940, 941, and/or 944 Federal Forms in QuickBooks Desktop


In order to swiftly file Tax Forms – 940, 941 and 944 electronically to Internal Revenue System (IRS), instructions detailed below needs to be followed to the point in QuickBooks.

To e-file the 940, 941, or 944 tax forms in QuickBooks Desktop, user needs following tips to be kept in mind:

  • An active subscription of QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Enhanced version.
  • A fully functional version of QuickBooks Desktop.
  • A Stable Network Connection.
  • Software should be up to date with latest payroll update.
  • Option to transfer the filing method of the Federal forms to E-file.
  • Users are enrolled to the program called IRS e-File.
  • The 10-digit PIN user obtains once they have enrolled to the IRS e-File Program.

Must Read – Setup Items for Sales Tax in QuickBooks


To e-file Federal Forms 940, 941, and 944 in QuickBooks Desktop:

  1. Locate the Employees tab from main menu bar and then select Payroll Tax Forms & W-2s option, followed by Process Payroll Forms.
  2. Under the Payroll Center, locate and click on File Forms tab.
  3. Select the particular form user needs to file from the given list.
  4. Click on the tab labeled File Form.
  5. Next decide on the period for ‘Form Filling’ and then select ‘OK’ tab.
  6. Analyse the forms and then click on ‘Check For Errors’ button. If needed, resolve any errors located.
  7. Click on Submit Form button.
  8. Lastly select the tab called ‘E-File’ and then follow it with the instructions displayed further on the form.

Must Read – Avoid Discrepancies in Sales Tax Report in QuickBooks

Note: Within 24-48 hours, user should recheck the status of the form filed by them as well as you can know what are most common sales tax issues in QuickBooks.

The above steps should support the user to file for federal forms either electronically or manually. However, in some scenario any error crops up it is advised to connect with the QuickBooks expert support team setup by Intuit and garner suitable resolution swiftly.

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