Import and Export CSV Files in QuickBooks

When you are running a business, it is all about how you structure, organize and manage your data. Though most of the time, the customer or vendor or account details are saved in Excel, CSV or any Spreadsheet format, these days, people are shifting to QuickBooks to manage their lists in a more appropriate way to ensure instant retrieval of data as and when required.

While importing Excel or CSV files into QuickBooks Desktop or Mac is not that complicated, you need to have a proper platform to ensure that when the data is imported, it automatically falls into the decided pattern to remain organized and easy to use.

Here is how you can learn the import and export of QuickBooks Data from Excel

Therefore, when it comes to importing the Excel along with CSV files into QuickBooks, it is important at first to be aware of the steps, to make the platform feasible for further importing of the lists and transactions.

What Is QuickBooks Import Excel and CSV Toolkit?

To import the lists, be it customers list, vendors list, transactions list, etc., it is absolutely important to have this toolkit installed as it contains:

  • A Manual : This is a PDF document, containing all instructions, directions, best practices, and notes to guide users to achieve the successful import of Excel and CSV files to QuickBooks.
  • CSV Examples Files: A collection of 4 samples of CSV files, which explains each type of list to users. You will be able to go through the examples to understand the list types.
  • XLS Examples Files: Like the CSV example folder, it contains a sample of Excel files with four worksheets, explaining each type of list. Going through the example will make things clearer.
  • Allowed Fields: It is a reference guide that explains and exemplifies the type of fields available for Excel and CSV import. This helps in making the choices during the Import process easier for us, the users.

Read More: How to Import Estimates into QuickBooks Desktop?

How to Install/Import QuickBooks Import Excel along with CSV Toolkit?

  1. Click file download. A window opens and the toolkit download starts
  2. Click Save
  3. Navigate to Windows Desktop
  4. Choose Save
  5. You can see QuickBooks_Import_Excel_and_CSV.exe on the Desktop. Double-click it
  6. It will open the WinZip Self-Extractor window
  7. Click on Browse
  8. Choose the folder you want to save the installed toolkit to
  9. Choose to Unzip and the contents will be extracted
  10. Click Close to shut down the Winzip Self-Extractor window
  11. Now navigate to the location where you saved the file and open the QuickBooks Import Excel along with CSV folder

Once the toolkit is installed in your system, importing Excel sheets and CSV files will become easy enough. Whether you want to import or export customers, vendors, items, reports, or any kind of data, the toolkit will make things easier and faster by guiding you through the steps.

Export CSV Files

Want to export data from Microsoft Excel but don’t want to use a computer? You can also export data using CSV files and even view and edit in different formats.

Customer and Vendors

  • First, go to the top menu bar and then open the Customer/Vendor Center.
  • After that, click on the Excel drop-down menu and your choice will be selected.
    • Select the Export Customer/Vendor list checkbox if you want to export data like name, contact information, and balances.
    • Select “Export Transactions” option if you want to export transactions. From here, you can either transfer according to name or by the transaction type.
  • Now in the export window, you need to select the comma separator option.
  • Next, click on the Export button.
  • You need to locate, download and install a program before you can export anything from your computer.
  • Now, you can open the file and make edits to it as per your needs.


  • From the top menu bar, choose the option to view item lists.
  • Then select the “Export all items” option from the menu bar.
  • We now need to select a file format. Select the comma-separated values (.csv) option from the export window.
  • Next, click on the Export button.
  • You need to select a location for exporting files and then give a name to the file.
  • You can now open the file, edit it as needed, and save it.


  • First, open the report that you wish to export.
  • When looking at the report, click on the Export drop-down menu.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the Create New Worksheet option.
  • Now, an Excel file will open. You need to select the option that says Create a comma-separated values (.csv) file.
  • Next, click on the Export button.
  • After that, you have to select a location on your computer that can export files. Name the file appropriately and give it a name.
  • Now you can edit the file as per your requirements.

You can import or export data in QuickBooks, quickly and easily. It is best to plan before doing anything, and plan everything with QuickBooks that is presentable. Your data should be available on tips, you should have access to it, and it should come as CSV files.

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