Paying Employees in QuickBooks Payroll – Intuit

The success of any business depends on how it treats its employees. Hence, the payroll of any organization is as important as managing other resources of the business. For this the employee center is very useful.


You may follow the steps to easily complete paying your employees.

  • In the side bar menu click on employee tab.
  • On the main page of employee click on get started with payroll.
  • On the set up page you have to provide necessary information so the payroll of the organization is set up. You can also take help if you have any queries.
  • Next, click on add employee for adding employees in the payroll. For adding your employees you have provide detailed information about them including details about W-4 forms. When finished you can click on the finished button.
  • Now you have to enter the pay schedule. You may enter weeks or months on what is your gap between each payment.
  • If you pay hourly rates you can choose how much you pay your employees or you can insert the amount of their salary.
  • For overtime payment there is box, you need to choose that so that overtime is calculated. Also mention if there are any deductions for employees.
  • Finally let the software know how you want to pay your employee. Once done you can click on Ok and it will be saved.
  • Next after you have completed adding employees run the payroll and it will be done.

For getting further help in this or any other field you can get in touch with QuickBooks payroll team who are there to support you always.



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