A lot of small businesses often find themselves in trouble when they face issues or errors with their financial management, expense tracking, tax calculation and other such related stuffs. You can make things easier with effectual implementation of QuickBooks, which is one of the leading tax management applications. For using QuickBooks, you need to know the software first, and thus taking a tour or guide to this software will educate your perfectly on using various features of this software. For using QuickBooks Pro 2016, you can follow the process that has been depicted below:
- The first thing you need is having username and password for logging into QuickBooks. After successfully logging into your account, you should click on the top of the screen.
- At top of the screen, there is a horizontal bar, featuring a lot of drop down menus. Under this main menu tab there are two additional tabs for the users. One tab is Home Page tab and other tab is the snapshot tab of your tasks on QuickBooks.
- A lot of features or options are stuffed in this small yet powerful and effectual financial management software.
- You need to understand the features step by step. The first job is changing your preferences.
- Then, add your company profile and customize the profile as per your needs.
- For tax refund, bank linking, tax return and various other purposes, special options are there.
Using QuickBooks can become seamless and easier when you know using the software seamlessly. Dial toll free number for customer care support.