
Question: We are looking for a Quickbook consultant in the Charlotte, NC area. When we updated to Windows 10, we now can’t access our Quickbook account. I’ve been told that it is because of the age of our version (2011), that it is not communicating with Windows 10.

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QuickBooks accounting software is known for bringing ease to the various management aspects of small and medium businesses. All you need is basic computer knowledge, in order to get started with QuickBooks. You can manage all your reports, payroll services, employee accounts etc easily with QuickBooks.

Though QuickBooks accounting software helps in making the accounting and other related things easier for you, but there might be cases when you may encounter some issues, we will be discussing one such issue here which is, “QuickBooks Account not Access: What to Do.”

Let’s discuss the types of users and the permissions they have in the QuickBooks Online and how to set up the permission that should be granted to these users.

Important to Remember:

  • Regular users can access only the recurring or payroll transactions if you have set the All Access Rights. Regular users can also see the Paychecks having the access to the registers
  • Audit log can help you to review the changes that are made by the users
  • Users that come in the category of Time Tracking and Reports Only are the free users essentially. Users under this category doesn’t gets counted in the total number of users in the company file of QuickBooks Online

Types of users in QuickBooks Online

Master Administrator: This is the person that creates the company file.

Company Administrator: Company Administrator has all the access to all of the areas of company file. Access to billing information and company’s subscription can also be granted to this user by Master Administrator.

Reports Only: This user has the access to read only all the reports, except the Payroll Reports and Audit Log. These users can create the group reports, go through the reports related to transaction in detail, can memorize these reports, but they can’t have a look over the actual transaction. These users are available in only QuickBooks Online Plus.

Time Tracking Only: This user have access just to see the time reports and time sheets for themselves. They can’t access the remaining/other company file areas

Accounting Firms: Here you have the freedom add two accounting or accountant firms, that can have the access to the company file.

Custom/Regular Users: For this user, you can specify areas that he/she can access, which is limited to the certain options. Apart of this, some administrative rights could also be granted to these users for example, access to get the company information edited, editing the company information, having control over the billing and subscription information.

Types of the Permissions in QuickBooks Online

All Access Rights: Users that have all access rights are able to access the areas of Vendors and Purchases and Customers and Sales. They are able to:

  • Delete employees, edit or add them
  • Can handle the tasks related to payroll and create the Paychecks
  • In register window can view the paychecks
  • Are able to the company settings
  • Can have a look on Audit log
  • Are able to delete edit and create budgets
  • Can delete, edit or add accounts
  • Can transfer funds and make deposits
  • Can make the journal entries and can reconcile accounts
  • Able to view all the reports

None or No Access Rights: Users that comes under this category cannot at all access any feature of accounting in QuickBooks Online. But still they can be granted the access to:

  • Can manage the services other than QuickBooks that has been subscribed by your company
  • Can fill their own timesheets
  • Access is very limited

The information provided by us will help you to know who can and who cannot access the QuickBooks Online. This will also help you to know why you cannot access your QuickBooks and what to do. For any further assistance, you can get in touch with the Fastfix247 QuickBooks desktop tech support helpdesk. Experts at Fastfix247 product help team are ready to lend you a helping hand whenever you want to. Call on <TFN>

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